Echoes of Blue

Allison Morris, past prime member of UWI Panoridim and the composer of our original song 'Steelpan Alley' took her love of steelpan to St. Elizabeth and in 1996, formed the Genesis Steel Band there. But steelpan can rarely be contained in one band.

Now Hampton, where Allison teaches, has an all-girls steelband, 'Blueprint' and they're coming to Kingston!

On June 30 and July 1, The Hamptom music department represented by the excellent Hamptom Choir, Blueprint and pianists will be performing an encore presentation of 'Echoes of Blue' at the School of Music, Edna Manley College. The performance was a hit in their home town of St. Elizabeth, and Kingstonians just had to get a taste!

Shows are 3pm each day and priced at $1000. A gala performance will be held on Saturday, June 30 at 7pm for $1200.

Don't miss it.